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As the greatest magazine publisher in the region, the "Color Press Group" understands the importance of its role alike in regard to social communities where its influence stretches, and therefore we support many local and regional initiatives concerning humanitarian work, environmental protection, health issues and similar activities.

Humanitarian Action "CLANDESTINO"




“Color Press Group” has always been supporting ecology-orientated activities through its magazines, and as of 2009 we are an exclusive media partner to the “Ecotopia” fund, which is a result of wishes and needs of individuals and companies to systematically and in an organized manner contribute to finding solutions to growing ecological problems in Serbia and throughout the world. Their mission, which in connection with this partnership became significant to our company as well, is to raise consciousness in as many as possible individuals and institutions in Serbia about global and local consequences of the planet’s pollution, and to point to a necessity to get personally involved so that the consequences would be prevented or relieved. “Ecotopia” ‘s logo is imprinted on covers of all the CPG’s magazines, and quite often ecological topics become main themes of our editors who are making effort to present the problems to a wider reading audience, thus influencing the consciousness of the readers, in order that the solutions to these problems could be more efficient.



Since 2001 our company has held humanitarian activities every month to help the children without parental custody and children with mental disturbances situated in orphanages in Veternik and Sremska Kamenica. Throughout all these years, we have made many children happy by tons of sweets and other delicious dainties prepared by industrious housewives, participants in our action “Housewife of the Month”, and by many other presents. The children always look forward to spending time with some of sports, movie and music stars, who join the activity each month.