Bosnian edition of the magazine “Pošalji recept” has officially become the most-read magazine in Bosnia-Herzegovina. According to official audit data by ABC BiH, “Pošalji recept”, which is sold at the price of KM 0.5, was sold in 40.060 copies in October 2011, more than any other magazine, but also more than most daily newspapers in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
For the third consecutive year, Color Press Group publishes an annual publication by London’s “The Economist”, where officials from around the world, as well as economy experts, write about their expectations for the forthcoming year.
For “The World in 2012” write: Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil, Aung San Suu Kyi, peace activist from Burma, who won the Nobel Peace Prize, Peter Löscher, President and CEO of “Siemens”, George Papandreou, Greek Prime Minister, Bob Diamond, Executive Director of “Barclays” bank, Sheryl Sandberg, Operative Director of the company “Facebook”, and many others…
The Serbian edition of this prestigious magazine will hit the newsstands on Monday, December 12th, and the price of 200 dinars.
The company “Color Press Group” this year yet again participates in traditional and humanitarian decorating of Christmas trees in Belgrade’s hotel “Hyatt Regency”. So far, on the behalf of CPG magazines “Hello!” and “Joy” have already taken part in this activity, whereas this year the Christmas tree was decorated by editorial crew of the “Lepota i zdravlje” magazine. For days, members of the L&Z team were considering the ways to create something original, and at the same time meet the requirement concerning “the traditional Christmas” theme, and therefore they decided that their Christmas tree would not be just a visual attraction, but to have scent and taste as well. With support by Snežana Tadić from Garden Centre and colleague Ženja Aćimović, Editor of “Dobra hrana”, they decorated the Christmas tree using multi-coloured honey cakes, with a touch of cinnamon and ginger. All income collected from participants in this activity will be donated to the Fund “Savremena deca”, humanitarian non-governmental organization orientated towards education of children without parental guidance. In our office and printing facility in Novi Sad, employees led by a colleague Katarina Drobac also decorated Christmas trees, so that they could enjoy festive atmosphere every day.
Pencil in the date November 20th in your calendars because on that day the CKM’s 100th issue will hit the newsstands! You will easily recognize it, because it will be the only magazine at a kiosk with a cover page embellished with four curvaceous and scantly dressed beauties. All of them have already been “Chicks” and “Neighbours” of this magazine, and on your demand, they met again to cut the jubilee cake. Sonja, Hristina, Jelena and Kristina will once more reveal their strongest attributes and help the CKM celebrate its jubilee in style.
For the 100th issue, there are also prepared sixteen additional pages, where we will be able to take a look at some of the best texts and photos from eight years of the magazine, with tears in our eyes. Old columns are clad in their solemn outfits, and therefore in “Know How” you will learn how the CKM is made, in a “Diary of a fan” you will find out one hundred most unpleasant football secrets, “Cars” arrive from garages of the most popular football players, whereas the “Guide” brings you one hundred places should see while you are still young.
Beside that, with the CKM you will go on a 4.000km long Route 66, a SAS officer will explain to you drug routes in Serbia, you will learn about the most irritating characters from TV series, group of hackers that set the world on fire, and alongside all that, there will be something that you are accustomed with – the hottest girls from our regions!
Media in Serbia have been facing drops in advertising revenue ever since the global economic crisis began in 2008, and its latest wave might additionally impair business in this field. This conclusion was made by participants of a three-day seminar “Transit from traditional to new media channels”, which was held at Kopaonik last week, organized by a non-governmental organization “Integrations now!”, and with support by the United States of America Embassy in Belgrade. Senior advertising managers from Color Press Group Strahinja Antonić and Saša Maćešić also attended the seminar.
Michelle Foster, media consultant from Washington, pointed to the fact that Serbia’s specific characteristic lies in a small market being served by almost a thousand media companies, but she also emphasized that this type of business is experiencing difficulties even in the most developed countries. Together with drops in advertising revenue due to the crisis, traditional media platforms – print media, radio and television – are jeopardized by the Internet and mobile telephony, as new forms of distributing the information and entertainment content, which attract more and more audience, and gain larger profit.
To managers from approximately twenty most significant media companies in Serbia, Foster presented strategies carried out by great publishers from the US, which serve as a means to maintain the audience and advertisers as well. One of the biggest challenges is to use new platforms, Internet above all, in order to distribute the content. She explained that even the biggest publishers are making effort to find an optimal solution to gain revenue from Internet portals, limited by the fact that most online items are available free of charge.
Meanwhile, activities aimed at strengthening media brands and boosting their offer are of high importance, whether it is via traditional or new platforms, having in mind that it is necessary to analyze habits and needs of the audience first, and also to understand marketing goals set up by advertisers. Participants of the seminar agreed that being introduced to strategies developed by the greatest media companies in the world is very important, and in many aspects applicable in business at the Serbian market.
Zoran Sekulić, director of “Fonet” agency, and representative of media sector within the working group for drawing a media strategy, familiarized the seminar participants with difficulties regarding adoption of a document which defines the direction of public information sector in Serbia until 2016. He expressed doubt whether deadlines prescribed by the Action plan for implementation of the strategy will be met, primarily concerning a transit from budget to project financing, and taking into account that regulative measures at media scene will arrive later than expected due to elections scheduled to take place in the forthcoming year.
World headquarters of the “Coca Cola Company” in Atlanta last week received visits by the corporation’s regional managers for Serbia, Austria and Switzerland, as well as by their guests – lawyers, nutritionists, and those involved in the world of business and media. Color Press Group CEO Robert Čoban accompanied Milica Stefanović, “Coca Cola” Communication Director for Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.
In Atlanta, the guests held talks with “Coca Cola Company” leading figures, among whom there were: Clyde Tuggle, SVP, Global Public Affairs & Communication, Phil Mooney, VP, Head of corporate Archive, Peter Franklin, Group Dir, Global Worldwide Sports & Events Management and Rhona Applebaum, VP, Chief Scientific & Regulatory Officer.
Nauelle Tir, “Northen & Shell”, and Robert and Sandra Čoban, CPG
Between the tenth and twelfth of October, capital city of India, New Delhi, hosted a gathering of magazine publishers from all over the world. 38th Magazine World Congress was marked by various innovations which magazine publishers turned to over the last few years in order to preserve and advance their companies, since economic slowdown appeared and the Internet made an expansion. Serbian magazine publishers at this congress had Color Press Group CEO Robert Čoban as their representative. The congress was opened with a spectacular party at “Taj Palace” hotel, and the most popular actor in Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan, also spoke about his relation to magazines.
Aron Puri
President of FIPP and “India Today”
Official opening of the congress was marked by a speech delivered by the Indian Information Minister Ambica Sony, who said that over the last ten years her country had come a long way in terms of liberating the media scene. Today in India there are tens of foreign media companies, whereas local publishers are engaged in publishing hundreds of domestic and licensed magazines, which had not been the case before 2002, the year when media laws were liberated.
Aroon Puri, President of FIPP and media house “India Today”, said that in future magazine publishers should be more innovative, claiming that it was the only way to survive at the media scene. Furthermore, he reiterated that latest researches revealed that readers were more loyal to magazines than to daily newspapers, which was proved by rise in circulation figures that certain monthly magazines registered, whereas daily newspapers were everywhere caught in the declining trend. Rome will host the next Magazine World Congress, in September 2013.
Last night at Skopje’s hotel “Bellvue” a launch party for the Macedonian edition of “Grazia” magazine was held. Among numerous attendants from the world of fashion, media and advertising, there were also singers Kaliopi Bukle, Elena Petrevska, Rebeka, Kristina Arnaudova, participant of the “Operation Triumph” Aleksandar Belov, Macedonia’s representative at Eurosong Vladko Ilijevski, TV presenters Lilia Filipovska, Elena Roza and Marijana Stanojkovska, Tatjana Stojanovska, model Radica Lelova and many others.
Guests were greeted by Dragana Anđić, “Grazia” brand manager for Europe, Robert Čoban, Color Press Group CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of the Macedonian edition of “Grazia” Maja Veljanovska.
According to the latest survey concerning how read are print media, which was conducted in August, out of ten most-read magazines in Serbia, as many as six are published by Color Press Group, whereas one belongs to publishers Ringier AS, Sat Media, Delicious Plus and Europapress. This research was conducted by “Strategic Marketing” SMMRI taking into consideration a sample of 5.579 Serbian citizens, aged 12 to 65
1. Blic žena 819.049 (Ringier AS)
2. Pošalji recept 411.811 (Color Press Group)
3. Lepota i zdravlje 390.260 (Color Press Group)
4. Svet 287.209 (Color Press Group)
5. Scandal 282.457 (Color Press Group)
6. Sat Plus 272.569 (Sat Media)
7. Bravo 259.959 (Color Press Group)
8. Hrana i vino 257.379 (Delicious Plus)
9. Gloria 247.694 (Europapress)
10. Hello! 188.584 (Color Press Group)
This year once again, Weekend Media Festival in Rovinj gathered a large number of media representatives, as well as advertising, marketing and PR experts from around the region.
A panel entitled “Food feeding the media”, dealing with issues of increasing gastro contents in newspapers and on TV, Color Press Group CEO Robert Čoban presented the phenomenon of ”Pošalji recept” magazine, which less than two years after its launch became the magazine with the widest circulation (in a category of daily newspapers and magazines) in the entire region, its average sold circulation being 250.000 copies.
On numerous panels, lectures and workshops which were held last weekend on the location of old Tobacco Factory Rovinj (TDR, i.e. Adris Group to which it belongs is an official sponsor of the festival) discussed were the issues whether CSR is just PR; also how advertising would look like in 2020; whether online content would be “free”, or the “fee” would have to be paid for it…
The festival ended with one petty scandal, when during the panel on “TV Dnevnik” phenomenon all participants stood up and left the hall, after a moderator Denis Kuljiš from “Jutarnji list” did not want to allow the panellists to speak up after his fifteen-minute introduction. The fourth Weekend Media Festival hosted 3.500 participants from all regional countries, but also guests from Europe, America and Japan.
Color Press Group has launched Serbian edition of famous British magazine “Star” by the license of "The Northern&Shell Titles Limited", available in kiosks form 4th August, accompanied by internet edition available from today on
As well as printed version, portal will deal with leading stars of international show business, and throughout exclusive stories and photographs will be presented to Serbian public. Portal is available for all the visitors 24/7. News are presented in real-time so all events on international jet-set scene will be covered almost immediately.
We strongly believe that all internet users of our portal will benefit from the speed and accuracy of the information provided by our team.
Besides news from show business, portal is offering topics such as shopping, body care, cosmetics by celebrities, but fully adjusted to market conditions and availability of products in Serbia.
Thanks to the speed and availability of such media, we believe that portal will become one of the favorite and among most viewed site on internet, as its unique and creative approach combines news and interesting topics from international jet-set.
According to the latest data, collected by Strategic Marketing (SMMRI) and ABC Serbia, magazines published by Color Press Group are by far the most read magazines in Serbia, as well as ones with the highest circulation.
The magazine with the highest circulation in Serbia, Posalji recept (Send a Recipe), has reached a new record – 258,725 copies have been sold (ABC Serbia, June 2011).
ABC Serbia, June 2011 – sold circulation
Strategic Marketing, July 2011 – ratings
Famous British magazine "Star" got its Serbian language version. Serbian publisher, Color Press Group, published the first issue of "Star" in accordance with the publishing house from London "The Northern & Shell Titles Limited" license and the issue will be on sale as of 4th of August.
"Star" will exclusively deal with the leading international show business stars and will present them through exclusive stories, photographs and good topics to the Serbian audiences. In addition to this, "Star’s" promotional issue will be on sale until September 1st and will offer its readers a large selection of content that deals with shopping, body care, cosmetics used by world stars but completely adapted to the market opportunities in Serbia.
In total, there are 52 pages, published bi-weekly, with 5/4 color VDL 1/0 and with the price of 45 dinars we believe that there is a bright future ahead for "Star" on our market.
In the middle of June, six managers from different media in Serbia participated in a Professional Development Program for Serbian Media Managers in the US. The following persons participated in the programme and visited leading American media and institutions: Branka Djukic, director of Tanjug, Aleksandar Timofejev, director and editor-in-chief of Studio B, Robert Coban, president of Colour Press Group, Mladen Velojic, director of Media Centre Nis, Marija Karan, sales manager of Prva TV and Vitomir Ognjanovic, director of Southern News from Nis. The goup was led by Bojan Trikovic, in charge of the media in the US Embassy in Belgrade.
Participants in the programme, which was organised by ICFJ (International Center for Journalists) from Washington, had lectures and trainings at Pulitzer Peace Centre during their eight-day stay in Washington and New York. They also visited some of the leading media in the US: Bloomberg News, New York Times, CBS, Washington Post, US Today, Voice of America, as well as reputable institutions such as Supreme Court, the United Nations and Newseum, the largest media museum on the planet.
According to the April report by ABC Srbija which was publicised yesterday, magazine with the widest circulation in the country remains "Pošalji recept" ("Send a recipe") – 259.562 sold copies, which is by as many as 31.634 copies more than in March.
The second-placed "Blic žena" is with 175.282 sold copies in March now down to 148.626 sold copies for the April issue. On the third place there is "Blic" with average circulation in April of 139.357, then follow "Novosti" with 129.913, "Alo" with 121.136, "Kurir" with 109.255,"Press" with 87.347 and "Svet" with 80.481.
Out of 8 most visited Serbian magazine portals as many as 4 belong to CPG portfolio!
According to statistics by, out of eight magazine portals that are among the first two hundred in the Serbian language, as many as four are from the Color Press Group portfolio.
On the 23rd position there is, on the 52nd position, on the 177th place, whereas takes 198th place.
Among two hundred most visited Web sites in Serbian, there are also portals by the following magazines: (18), (80), (40) and (199).
ABC Srbija today published the latest registered circulation figures for daily newspapers and magazines in Serbia. “Pošalji recept” (“Send a recipe”), which is published by Color Press Group, with 227.928 sold copies has increased its advantage in comparison with the second-placed “Blic žena” (175.282).
The third position is taken by daily “Blic” with 137.317 copies sold, “Alo” is on the fourth place with 127.485, whereas “Novosti” holds the fifth position with 123.385 copies
Starting from today, readers from all over the world shall have the opportunity to buy and read magazines of the Colour Press Group through a text message. The first buyers from different parts of the world have already contacted us. The online kiosk enables readers to enjoy in their favourite magazines in digital form a day before the very magazines are distributed to the newsagent’s. Over 50 magazines of the Colour Press Group are now available in 25 different countries in the real time.
The procedure of buying is quite simple, and prices of magazines expressed in credit points. The first step requires a registration of users at the WKO website. The registration is then followed by purchase of credit via text message sent to the local operator. Once they are bought the magazines are linked to the user account and it is possible to read them all over again. Soon, payment by credit cards and PayPal will be available.
All users that register during the promotional period shall be awarded with a welcoming 80 credit points. Having in mind that project World Kiosk Online is in many ways unique in the world, we expect that the WKO portfolio shall be soon richer in the publications of foreign publishers.
The first edition of magazine “Casa”, in the production of the Colour press Group, has been available at kiosks from the 4th of April. "Casa" deals with topics such as: home, flat or garden furnishing and decoration and is aimed at everybody who wants to make changes in their home and make it a better place for living without destroying the essential functionality and increasing costs.
Apart from numerous useful advice, ideas for interior design, information about the most popular products, the magazine contains recommendations of experts related to garden and yard decoration including drafts for making of fences, terraces, canopies and furniture based on the “Do it yourself” principle.
The magazine advertizing is focused on presentation of the programmes of importers, distributors, furniture manufacturers and equipment for house and garden interesting to a wide range of readers. The magazine is being issued in a pocket format with a nice cover and it costs RSD 50.
According to information from the Google Analitics, the Colour Press Group portals have 4.900.893 registered visits and 24.420.804 viewed pages in March. When compared to February, the figures show a 15% increase in the number of visits and 19% increase in the number of the viewed pages.
The most popular showbiz portal in the region of all of the CPG sites is still that, in March, has 2.637.456 visits and astonishing 16.187.457 viewed pages.
If we take into consideration the fact that March is three days longer than February (10.7%) the real increase is insignificantly lower but still represents the biggest monthly increase within several years
Blogger Milan Strongman Jovanovic – new editor of the portal!
On 31st March, Milan Strongman Jovanovic, one of the most famous Serbian bloggers, recently voted one of the “stars of the Serbian internet”, became a chief editor of the, one of the portaslfrom the online portfolio of the Colour press Group.
In the several previous years Milan Strongman drew attention of the public to himself by writing columns in magazines CKM and Playboy, including the posts on the B92 blog. Each Friday, Milan shall publish a column on the portal. Apart from this professional duty, Milan, who was born in Nis, also became a father of baby Vasilije that shall probably now become his most important duty.
Color Press Group has launched two new internet portals in the region.
The first one,, which accompanies the magazine bearing the same name, was launched in Serbia last year. Currently, the second edition of the magazine is in sale. This portal is aimed at all couples planning their wedding. It is designed as an unavoidable place for all future brides and grooms looking for details and information without which it is impossible to organize a wedding reception. The launching of portal www.ljepotaizdravlje was promoted in hotel “Central West Wood Club and Spa” in Sarajevo last Thursday.
Chief-editor of magazine “Lepota & zdravlje” and portal “Lepota & zdravlje” Jelena Joksimović
Guests at the promotion of portal “Lepota & zdravlje”
Mirjana Vasić, editor of business magazine "In Store" with a friend
Like its "older sister", portal, the first women lifestyle portal in Bosnia and Herzegovina, shall cover the topics that modern and dynamic women are interested in: beauty, fashion, health, love, sex, shopping, family, pregnancy, babies etc.
The expansion of the portfolio of the Color Press Group’s interactive magazines is being continued by publishing of the fourth, Croatian (after Serbian, Bosnian and Macedonian ones) edition of magazine "Pošalji recept".
This monthly magazine reached a figure of 250 000 sold copies within the period of one year, out of which over 200 000 copies were sold in Serbia. Another two interactive magazines are “Moja priča" and "Kućni ljubimac".
They both cost RSD 20 and are created on the basis of the articles written by readers themselves.
Magazine "Moja priča" contains the best love and life stories of our readers while magazine "Kućni ljubimac", as implied in its name, is aimed at cats, dogs and other animals’ lovers, who send stories, photographs and advice related to food, diet, care and breeding of pets.
Magazine "Pošalji recept", published by Color Press Group, is officially the best selling magazine in Serbia as of January 2011. Pursuant to the January report of ABC Serbia, which was announced yesterday, magazine "Pošalji recept" sold 198 941 copies in Serbia. "Blic žena" occupies the second place with the figure of 188 278 copies, while "Blic", a daily newspaper, occupies the third place with 149 646 sold copies. "Novosti" occupies the fourth place with 128 641 sold copies and is followed by “Alo" with 126 632 copies and "Kurir" with 111 845 copies. The rest of magazines and daily newspapers in Serbia have below 100 000 sold copies per one edition.
"Color Press Group has launched a new, sixth interactive magazine on the Serbian market. Magazine "Mother’s School" ("Mamina škola"), as its name implies, deals with the problems of young moms and pregnant women. As in the case of Serbian, Bosnian and Macedonian edition of "Send the recipe” ("Pošalji recept") and editions "Cakes" (“Torte i kolači”) and "Flowers in the home" (“Cveće u domu”) this interactive magazine is created by its readers in cooperation with the editorial office who are in the end given a fee for their contribution to the magazine.
In the case of "Mother’s School” (“Mamina škola”) the advice include tips related to feeding, health and care of babies and young children. According to the December data, ABC Serbia – Magazine "Send the recipe" (“Pošalji recept”) has officially exceeded 200,000 of sold copies
At the traditional event "Belgrade Winner" (“Beogradski pobednik”) held in Dom sindikata last night, the best in the world of music and media for the previous year were given awards. Before a packed hall, presenters Jelena Petković and Branislav Jovanović announced award winners and special guests, and a special attention was drawn to singer Diana Ilda Šaulić and Dajana Jakšić, who received an award for the duet of the year "Boli me, boli nevero".
The winner of almost every award in the category “hit of the year” Neda Ukraden was also given a statue of “the Belgrade winner” and Marija Šerifović claimed the title of the best pop singer for the previous year. The award for the best folk singer in the previous period was given to Aca Lukas since during 2010, he had three spectacular concerts in Belgrade only and his colleague Rada Manojlović is the winner in the same category. The awards were also given to "Riblja čorba " "Amadeus Bend", "Neverne bebe”, Olja Karleuša, Sergej Ćetković, Darko Lazić, Dado polumenta and Boban Rajović.
The best show in 2010 is "Milica na kvadrat" which is broadcast on TV Avala, while our publishing agency was labeled the best in the category of celebrity magazines. Milica Milić, Director of Corporate Communications, received this award on behalf of the Color Press Group while journalists Marija Lazić and Marjan Kamenović addressed the audience on behalf of magazines “Svet” and “Skandal”.
A new UK Ambassador in Serbia, Michael Davenport, during his first official visit to Novi Sad, also visited the premises of the Color Press Group and spoke with Robert Čoban, the Company`s President and Milica Milić, Director for Corporate Communications. Before he was appointed the ambassador for Serbia, Michael Davenport was the director of the Directorate of Russia, Central Asia and South Caucasus in the Foreign Office in London.
In the period between 2007 and 2010 he advised the Ministers of Foreign Affairs about relations of the UK with Russia and the wider region and he was responsible for the network of twelve diplomatic missions.
Accompanied by Dušan Mihajlović , a press representative at the British Embassy, apart from the Color Press Group, Ambassador Davenport also visited the Assembly of Vojvodina and Novi Sad Mayor Igor Pavličić.
In his conversation with the CPG hosts, the Ambassador asked for the state of the media scene in Serbia and the region in these times of economic crisis. Also, they discussed the Serbian-British cooperation regarding different magazines, as several British magazines are published in Serbia by CPG – "Hello!", The Economist "" Intelligent Life "," My hair " (“Moja kosa”)," My baby " (“Moja beba”), etc.
Color Press Group has launched yet another edition for readers that is, female readers on the Macedonian media market. The basic idea is to engage the female readers from FYROM to contribute to the creation of this culinary mini-magazine that shall from now be available in Macedonian language and the Cyrillic script as well. So, dear female readers from FYROM do join us and send recipes to be published in our Macedonian edition via e-mail address: [email protected]. This release is already on sale at kiosks and it contains all relevant explanations on how to send recipes – all published recipes shall be awarded with 500 Denars.
Discover the culinary magic with us!
The most read showbiz portal in the region has recorded an exceptional rise of visits in the past two months! In December 2010, according to the data of Google Analytics, we had 2,170,697 visits and 12,811,080 viewed pages, and in January 2011, despite holidays and non-working days, we had 2,229,382 visits and 14,120,123 visited pages!
This rise in the number of visits is certainly the consequence of numerous exclusive information and photographs that appeared for the first time exactly on our portal, and they were cited on other portals and newspapers in Serbia and in the entire region. “The season” has started with the sensational discovery that Severina Vuckovic has a new millionaire boyfriend, Milan Popovic.
This information was broadcast on at 12:14 on December 28, 2010 and it was cited by several dozens of portals in the region in only a few hours. A day later, in her interview for the Croatian edition of Gloria, Severina admits that she has a new relationship and confirms the entire story from our portal. In the following days, we were first to discover many details related to the past life of Severina’s new boyfriend.
Soon after that, we were first to broadcast the news that the finalist of this year’s Survivor, Katarina Vucetic, has a new boyfriend – a businessman and the former MP from the Democratic Party, Alen Selimovic. We have also published their first photo together, taken in Imperia club in Moscow.
After Anabela’s mention of her “unnamed hair stylist” in Ognjen Amidzic’s show on TV Pink, portal discovers, only a few hours later, that the person in question is Vladimir Simic, in whom supposedly, according to Anabela, her ex-boyfriend Mladen Radulovic had fallen in love with.
And finally, after Natasa Bekvalac declared on her Facebook profile that something big happened between her and Daca, and by doing so announced their divorce, was first to publish full name and photos of Milica Drazin, who was a cause for the divorce between the famous couple.
We were first to publish the information that the couple visited their divorce lawyer, Dragan Gojkovic, on January 23 and many other details related to this case.
In a “war” waged against daily newspapers and other internet portals – won many “battles”, with a lot of effort. Some other battles have been won and will be won by other newspapers and portals, but this is what competition is all about. It is very important to stress that almost all print media and internet portals in Serbia have acquired a practice of citing the original source from which the news had been taken, which is a proof that fair play and western standards are not unknown to our media.
At the same time, print edition of Svet magazine recorded high circulation in January, because it published information, interviews and photographs related to many showbiz scandals which other portals and daily newspapers could not get a hold of, on a weekly basis. This contributes to the fact that, despite the era of overall digitalization, well-composed print and internet media could coexist for a long time without mutual exclusion.
A year behind us was marked by a great rise in penetration of the Internet, in Serbia as well as on global level, and this also implies the increase in budget for online advertising.
Portals produced by Color Press Group recorded a rise in a number of visits by 159% starting from January (1,525,984 visits) up to December (3,967,230 visits).
CPG plans to launch several new portals in Serbia in 2011, as well as to expand our best known brand “Lepota i zdravlje” (Health and Beauty) in the region by running the following and