Social Responsibility

“Color Press Group” and the “Lazin salaš” restaurant prepared special Christmas lunch for the homeless


As in previous years, at the Shelter – Daily Care Center for the homeless in Novi Sad, the “Lazin salaš” restaurant staff and “Color Press Group” employees, served special lunch for those who are left behind when it comes to holidays.


A delicious holiday feast was served by the chefs from the famous Novi Sad’s restaurant “Lazin salaš” to citizens of our city, who had lost their home and family, whereas they were also delighted by newspaper publications granted by “Color Press Group”.


Our company continues to nurture tradition of care and aid to those in need, while at the same time it appeals to all goodwill people who are able to help to participate in similar projects.

They can write to the following E-mail address: [email protected]. In addition, if you have old clothes in good condition, you can deliver them yourself to any of the shelters for the homeless.



